Matzoh Bagels


April 19, 2011 by Dana

You may have gathered from this blog that I have some pretty strong opinions.  I try to avoid anything too controversial on here, like politics or religion, (although I did stir up some people with my S’mores Bars post), but, as I’m sure you can imagine, I have some strong beliefs on those matters as well.

So I’m sure it’s not hard to guess how I react when someone tells me I can’t have those beliefs or opinions. I’ll give you a hint: not well.

This is precisely what happened fall semester sophomore year of college, right before break, when discussing my plans for the holidays.  I mentioned that I would be flying to Florida to celebrate Christmas with my family, when one of my groupmates ever so delicately exclaimed: How can you celebrate Christmas when you’re Jewish?!

I went on to explain that I am only half Jewish, and that I do, in fact, celebrate both the Jewish and Christian holidays.

His response?  You can’t.

My response?  That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.  Of course I can.  I can and I do.

His response? Well, you can’t.

My response?  That’s idiotic. I do.

The conversation went around in circles like this until the class ended.  And it’s a good thing it did, because I was about ready to explode.

Looking back, I think what my classmate couldn’t grasp was that, to me, holidays are more about tradition than the actual religion aspect. They’re about family.  About honoring those who came before us and celebrating how they’ve shaped the holidays for us.

Celebrating my family, my heritage, and my traditions is the reason why in the same week, I will happily eat Greek Bread decorated with red dyed eggs on Easter, and Matzoh Bagels on Passover.

Matzoh Bagels are not considered a traditional Passover food, but to my family, any Sedar table would be incomplete without them.  My grandmother made them.  My mother and aunt make them.  And now, I make them too.  Because, to me, Matzoh Bagels mean family.


¾ cup water
¾ cup vegetable oil
 2cups matzoh meal
5 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
4 eggs 

It’s hard for me to explain exactly what Matzoh Bagels taste like, but a few people that tried them recently said they reminded them of a corn muffin, which is a pretty good analogy.  They are not overly sweet, but do have a little sweetness to them.  We serve them with dinner and eat leftovers for breakfast and snacks as well.


1.  Preheat oven to 350-375 degrees Fahrenheit (depending on how soft you like them – I prefer 350).  Grease cookie sheets and set aside. 

2.  In a large saucepan, bring the water and oil to a boil.  Once boiling, remove the liquid from the heat and add matzoh meal, sugar and salt.

3.  Beat the eggs and then them to the matzoh mixture. 

4.  When the mixture is cool enough to handle, make the batter into 3 inch pancakes and place on the cookie sheets, about 1-2 inches apart.  Using your thumb, make imprints in the center of the pancakes (like big thumbprint cookies). 

5.  Bake 40-45 minutes or until the bottoms are light brown.  

Matzoh Bagels are best eaten right out of the oven when they are so hot they burn your tongue but you don’t care because you love them within a day or two of making them, as they will dry out.  After that, they are delicious toasted with a little butter (because that’s just what they need… more calories) or jelly.

19 thoughts on “Matzoh Bagels

  1. I think it is wonderful that you celebrate both! I wish part of my family was Jewish! :)

  2. Totally agree, I have dinner on Easter Sunday with family but it is certainly not for religious reasons, it is family time. And in the end that is what is most important. Never seen these bagels, interesting.

  3. Lisa Fine says:

    Oh, wow, I never would have thought of this before. I generally just stick to plain old matzah for the holiday, but I find it interesting to see all of the Passover baked goods there are out there.

  4. biz319 says:

    Ugh, I hate when people do that. People do that all the time with me since I am diabetic, they are like “you can’t eat that!”

    Um, yes I can!

    Love your recipe! :D

  5. I just read a post where a jew with a christian wife served some bacon wrapped matzoh balls! I thought it was pretty funny but quite offensive to some I’m sure.

  6. koshercorvid says:

    I wonder what such people think “can’t” means. My mother is Christian, My dad (whom I grew up with) is Jewish. I would never hurt either of them by refusing to spend time with them on their respective holidays. Do I eat ham at Easter? No; I am still a Jew. When I am with my family for that holiday, I help my brother find eggs and eat piles of kosher chocolate. When I am with my dad for Passover, we celebrate together. Anyone who says we “can’t” have a mixed bag of family and traditions is missing the point entirely.

  7. Joanne says:

    I don’t necessarily believe in any religion, though I do believe in God, so I’m in total agreement with you on this one. In these times, so much of celebration is about just spending time with your family more than it is about the actual religion. As it should be.

    These matzoh bagels are AWESOME. If I observed Passover, I would totally need these to get me through!

  8. Catherine says:

    I love your attitude. The fact that you honor and carry on the traditions of those who took the time, patience and love to teach you. Wonderful matzoh bagel! Blessings, Catherine
    I hope that you will visit my blog too. Thank you, Catherine

  9. Danelle says:

    Of course you can celebrate both! I hope your classmate won’t be offended if I try some of your Jewish recipes. My great-great grandfather was a Jewish Rabbi, so I think I’m allowed. :) Oh, and your previous post was pretty funny!

  10. Holidays, family, and food traditions. They’re complicated but make us who we are. Your matzoh bagels looks great, and the description of them being like a corn muffin sounds delicious!

  11. Monet says:

    Smile. What I love about food is the memories…and it seems like these bagels have some great memories attached to them. Thank you for sharing your baked treat tonight. I hope that the end of your week is full of peace and joy. Your words make me smile, week after week!

  12. Danielle says:

    Dana these are awesome! We’ve never made them in my family but always have leftover Matzoh–will definitely be trying these. Oh, and I love how we think so much alike. Family traditions can encompass all religious beliefs

  13. […] I’m not talking about religion.  Or nationality.  I’m talking about rule […]

  14. […] 3. Most Controversial Post: Matzoh Bagels […]

  15. Of all the uses I’ve ever seen for matzah this might be the best! Totally adding it to my Passover menu!

  16. […] don’t feel free. When will your liberation from matzah come? There is a concoction called the matzah bagel, but that just doesn’t cut it. Living without bagels becomes like one of those indignities […]

  17. Mikki says:

    Thanks so much Dana
    Is this normal Matza meal or cake meal.
    And can they be frozen?
    Thanks so much mikki

  18. […] found this recipe for matzah bagels but I can’t promise they will be as good as my Aunt […]

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